Page name: Lerune is... [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-08-15 07:49:57
Last author: Kaeirdwyn
Owner: Lerune
# of watchers: 26
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...curious. I can't help it. I was just thinking how nice it would be to know how other people see me, mainly so I can tell everyone they are wrong. =oP

Anyway, this is just for fun, so feel free to fill in the blanks and let me know what YOU think Lerune is. Good or bad, I'd like to know. =o)

Lerune is...almost vain and self-centered for starting this wiki. =oP -[Lerune]

*sneaks in and cheats where her comment is*
Lerune is... fantabulous, seckzay, fun, there to listen to me whine and complain, much more understanding than I, a video game fiend, a wonderful writer and artist, a naughty tentacle monster, a dirty old bag, and my soul sister! -[Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... amazing, caring, loving and has an astounding ability to make other feel special. -[Kileaiya]

Lerune is... rare, unusual, sharing, loving, warm, uniquely intangible and definately connected to a totally mad muse. -[Skydancer]

Lerune is... wacky, warm, twisted, trusting, ebil, inspiring, crazy, caring, tortured, talented and a good friend. -[Yuriona]

Lerune is... Unbelivably generous of herself, of her time, capable of doing a gazilion things, and doing them well, and so talented to make people around her feel special -[Faery]

Lerune is... selfsacrificing, a great mediator, trustworthy, perverted, humorous, insecure, artsy and attentive. -[Sunrose]

Lerune is... a peacemaker, patient beyond words, loyal, sweet, funny, a great listener, a budding artist, a mucho talented writer, and wonderfully perverted! -[irulan]

Lerune is... teh pwnage. OMFGWTFBBQ KKTHNX BI 1337ness. -[True, plain and simple] (who does not need medication, he swears)

Lerune, only smarter, more organized, more outgoing and has far better hair... -[Lothuriel]! 

Lerune is...that special person who can pack the smallest amount of time, to make it the most enjoyable, warm, and most welcomed time that one could experience. -[font]

Lerune is... stubbornly refusing to sell me her children even after I offer to cut her in on a share of the profits... -[Stratakus]

Lerune is... my sun rising in the east. She brightens my day whenever it is dark, warms my heart with her kindness, and stregthens my soul with the light of faith. -[Ariandra]

Lerune is... desirving of 50 free massages. -[Stratakus]

Lerune is... the thief of hearts and the corruptress of souls. -[Paul Doyle] ;-)

Lerune is... taking my breath away. -[Paul Doyle]

Lerune is... the straw that stirs the drink, yo. -[Paul Doyle]

Lerune is... Supermom. -[Kileaiya]

Lerune is.... Lerune, and that's what makes Lerune Lerune. I can hardly do her justice even if I elaborated, so I'll stick to the simplest and best possible term! -[The Red Baron].

Lerune is.... fucking awesome, and don't you forget it or start doubting it >:P Lerune is also the reason us pathetic Heralders have stuck with it so long, we love her and respect her, and she makes Elftown a better place! (insert awwwww noise) <3 -[Kaimee]

Lerune is... fabumalous. What makes elftown so great to come sign on to and listen to pessimistic synical a-holes like Strider and keep them happy/optimistic :) If I had an easy bake oven...I'd make her a batch of cookies <3 -[Steve*O] *whisper* You still owe me 20 quid... LOL KIDDING!!!

Lerune is.... more psychedelic and colorful than a big bag of M+Ms. :P -[Paul Doyle]

Lerune is.... calculating your next move, mweheheh -[Paul Doyle]

Lerune is.... one of the awesomest people on Elftown ^_^ -[Jitter]

Lerune is.... giving me more and more reason to wake up in the morning, sparking my creativity, and has shown me the best kind of friend to have. -[Lothuriel]

Lerune is... the most devious supermom in this entire solarsystem. Lerune is so evil in seducing that not even the force is needed ^^ Lerune is simply... WOW! -[ArcticTofu]

Lerune is... so incredibly awesome I have been cracking my head all day to find something to say that hasn't been said already, only to come to the conclusion that there simply are no words to describe her! ^^ -[Trennas]

Lerune is... completely nuts, in a good way. :D -[Kyrinn]

Lerune is... someone I watch with a lot of interest. (Spelling isn't too good, I know.) -[Kayne]

Lerune is... someone who should be awarded for her kindness and sincerity(sp). -[eyes of frost]'

Lerune is... A great and loving friend, who has always encouraged me, and made me feel confident. She's the only one I'd always remember I have to draw a piece for :P and she is so much like my own sister, and that makes me love her even more. With all her greatness, I wonder if she's an angel and just hiding those wings from all of us!! :D -[Sunny Silverunicorn]

Lerune is... too complicated and special for me to describe in a few words on a wiki so let's just say "all of the above and more" -[ally]

Lerune is... wondering what the hell is wrong with all of us. -[Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... talented, sexy, oh so evil, mom extraordinaire, friend to all, lover of all men (and some women XD), someone I do so admire and wish I was more like. -[Mom]

Lerune is... in need of hot cocoa with rum to get her to sleep ^^ -[Trennas]

Lerune is... MINE!! ALL MINE!!! *molests Runey* -[Yuriona]

Lerune is... The kind of person who would make a wiki called Lerune is.... -[Gluttony]

Lerune is... <img:> -[nokaredes]

Lerune is...Not here now...please leave a message after the beep.  *BEEP* -[Steve*O]

Lerune is... Really a gingerbread-woman set on conquering the world with her mighty sprinkles OF DOOM! -[Asrun]

Lerune is... here to embrace us all ^^ *fuzzy*  in case she doesnt molest us first :o -[Ittai]

Lerune is... a fantabulous poet -[Jitter]

Lerune is...plotting to lick my ear....I just know it. [Savien]

Lerune is... touching Cid's spear! :O -[Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... going to molest us all first before embracing in fuzzies :O [Steve*O]

Lerune is... deserving of a nice long hot bath, a day to herself, and restful luxurious sleep :-) [Paul Doyle]

Lerune is... in strong demand!!! - [font] naturally

[Lerune]is...beautiful from the inside out, broken back and all. [Lothuriel]

[Lerune]is... devoted, truly caring in a world of just words of caring, one of the greatest friends I have had, online or otherwise, thoughtful and she must be needing some boodting up of her ego to have asked all of us our input...*smile* she also is missing me...and getting the Herald up and running....ok...I am back....let's do it.[Kaeirdwyn]

[Lerune]is... hawt :3

[Lerune]is... in a kinky convo with me and isi about showers, wine, and fireplaces... it's all innocent really - {mystery boy [font]}

Lerune is... a breaker.. errrrr opener of doors and uh... opportunities, yeh, thats it, opportunities.. :D [Skydancer]

Lerune is... a pole-dancing night elf! -[Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... Wise and intelectual, she knows how to solve a problem with just a few words it seems, her wisdom is that beyond most can achieve-[Ihsahn]

Lerune is... A young lady with three kids and a hubby called Bill, and she amazingly still has time to be addicted to Elftown! She is an Elftown big-wig (guard, lots of badges, etc), has heaps of wiki pages, my favourite being I've got this thing for the bad guys..., loves Star Wars, makes those cool pictures that must need a really powerful computer to do, and is really good friends with Calico Tiger. She probably doesn't know me, but I read her Elftown diary. - [Lady Chaos].

Lerune is... probably going to kill the padawans if they don't shut up and stop posting nonsense on the boards like we always do. Well..really the padawans are ok. It's the younglings that are worse. Lol. I came back to this page, and I realized that I forgot my name. [runnybabbit]

<img:stuff/leruneis.jpg> - [ally]

Lerune is... <img:> - [nokaredes]

Lerune is... Being tickled! [Savien]

Lerune is...So very arigato. She will re-route the arcing live blue electricity in my cranial control panel that is melting my photo-sensors. *WONKITY* Domo! - [mr roboto]

Lerune is... a lover of Sith porn. [runnybabbit]

Lerune is... Naughty, NAUGHTY I tells ya :P, and is the berry berry bestest :D! *squishy hugs!* [Elisha Kelly]

Lerune is... Wearing pink polka dotted g-string! not that I'm looking O.o [Elisha Kelly]

Lerune is... currently level 34! w00t! - [Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... zapping us all with her Baneful Bloodshot Eyes of Dazzling Green Doom-ness. - [Paul Doyle]

Lerune is... missed by sPam...*cries*

Lerune is... , and that is after extreme research, actually an inflatble meidevil rubber doll with a lightsaber, that is looking out for swallows carrying coconuts. :o - [Ittai]

[Lerune] is...Missed...*whaaaaah*

Lerune is... in need of another good leg humping.

Lerune is... *looks up and down the page* very popular!!! *wink* ~ [Cia_mar]

Lerune is... looking totally hawt in those glamour shots!! [Savien]

Lerune is... a soft-spoken lady, gentle & kind. Attack her young, a lioness you'll find. A lady that's gifted, but sells herself short. READ this page for you're the Queen of the Court! *huggles* ~ [Artsieladie]

Lerune is... getting older! Yay for sexy old ladies! *tacklehugglepounce* ~ [Calico Tiger]

Lerune is... my sunshine, my only sunshine. She makes me happy when skies are gray. You should know, dear, how much we wurves joo. Please don't take our sunshine away. Heehee! ~ [Calico Tiger]

Username (or number or email):


2006-01-04 [Skydancer]: there, did it right that time

2006-01-04 [Lerune]: Awww....thank you. =o) Maybe I should alter the wiki to read "The clone Lerune is..." =oP

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: Cali you heifer! :P

2006-01-05 [Calico Tiger]: >:)

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Awww! I wub you guys! I can't help but notice all the mention of perversion... >.>  =oP

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: I should have put that in my list :P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: I didn't realize it showed so much. O:)

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: omigod...true roxorz!

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: \m/ :P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: This is fun -- I should start pages for other people eventually. =oP

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: Ah ha! We had done this for Xith before. I thought that I was going insane with a mega case of deja vu. =P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: You know...I think you are right, and I think I added to it, even. ^^ We should make them for lots of people -- as pick-me-ups. ^^

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: How sweet our Runey is XDD

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: Runey is wubbed! *huggles*

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: But then people would reveal how much of a heartless bastard they think I am! ;)

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: But I thought that was a good thing! =p

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: Or, how they think you look like Lance Bass. >:P

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: *giggles*

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: :O

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Lance Bass might look like True, but True is 19 times more intelligent. =oP OMIGOSH! I just had a thought...Lance Bass did the voice of Sephiroth in KH and...Lance Bass = True... I may have to put True in my Gallery of Hot Bad Guys. How wierd is that? =oP

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: Weird? Maybe but you know you have to do it now. =9

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: I don't think they look alike...course I refuse to say someone I like looks like a member of a girly boy band.

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: I'll have to search his image history for a really good pic. ;o)

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: :O

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: My work here is done.

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: I'll never surrender to you, Strat. Never. =oP

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: Your children or your bras... remember this... I only strike once, and I can only take an armfull of children or an arm full of bras... Make your choice... mwahahaha

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: :O Not my new ones! I just finally found ones that fit properly!

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: I can make hammocks out of them? Lerune is... now fearing for her bras

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: *snickers*

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Um, no...they are not that big. =oP

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: 0__o

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: and so this goes from a nice decent wiki to one of perversion >:P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: omigosh! It follows me! ;_;

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: No, you welcome and encourage it. BIG difference. =9

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: Well fine, if nobody wants perversion, I'll reduce it by 95% and leave.

2006-01-05 [Kileaiya]: :P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *molests Strat*

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: See? *points accusingly* Hey... can I molest him too? *puppy dog eyes*

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Yes. We don't want him to leave on a negative note. ;o)

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: Darn it! I never get to moleste anyone! *wanders off to find helpless cute guy*

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: *molests Strat too* Whee!

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: You can molest Strat, but he will try to snatch your panties. =oP

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: Too late...he already stole and all...

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: *pouts* But I don't have any panties. :O

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Me neither. =oP

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: He stole yours already? Yikes, he moves quick!

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: He has had them for quite some time now...*is sad* my favorite froggie ones...

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: But he left the black ones with the rhinestone skull and yellow ribbons? For shame...

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: shhh...he doesn't know about those yet...

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *hugs Ari*

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: Sorrry. Lerune is... now posessing knowledge that Strat just had a shower.

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: A much needed one

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: ~Puts some black panties on his head with skulls and yellow ribbons on his head~ And now I go to Panty Raiders! to add these to the collection.

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: omg...the hair... *dies*

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: ugh, I so need to shower off the Page 3 skankiness but must await my husband's return...

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: Holy Cow. I got molested while in the shower?... that soundeds wrong and right at the same time.

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: LOL...and by two beautiful women...

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: It's the wet hair...somehow I knew. =oP

2006-01-05 [Lothuriel]: LOL>..

2006-01-05 [Yuriona]: Strat has wet hair?? OMG!! *squeals*

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *hoardes pics*

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: Lerune is... going to get another pic for the collection if she goes to my house

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *squeals and saves*

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: There, now that's out of the way, off to sleep and then back to Massage Clinic tomorrow. Blaaah my hands are out of practice.

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Aww...thanks! =o)

2006-01-05 [Paul Doyle]: ;-)

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *hands Paul an inhaler* ;o)

2006-01-05 [Paul Doyle]: *swoons and gets Fred Sanford-like*

2006-01-05 [Mom]: What an awesome Wiki...why didn't I think of this? Probably because I'm not as smart*snickers* as she is.

2006-01-05 [ArcticTofu]: waaaaaah, I am not mentioned =(

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Because you have to add yourself. =oP

2006-01-05 [ArcticTofu]: nobody told me -.-;;

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: *psst* Add yourself. ;o)

2006-01-05 [ArcticTofu]: haha >=P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Heheh..I never knew I was such a vile temptress! =oP

2006-01-05 [Sunrose]: True's picture is already on GoHBG Video Game Hotties :P

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: I added it. >:)

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: :OOOOOOOOOOOOOO

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: You added him and not me? I'm insulted... Though I suppose an Nsync look-a-like is pretty evil...

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Hehehe! Since Lance Bass stole True's face, and also did the voice of Sephiroth in KH, we had to add True to the Sephiroth section. ;o)

2006-01-05 [Stratakus]: I never made it to the Seph part of KH

2006-01-05 [Calico Tiger]: Sephiroth kicked my hiney in KH >_<

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: Blame True! We have a wiki for it! =oP

2006-01-05 [Calico Tiger]: I already blamed him for stuff on that wiki ;)

2006-01-05 [Lerune]: But, it's continuous. You must keep balming him. =oP

2006-01-05 [True, plain and simple]: :O

2006-01-06 [Lerune]: Awww... flatter me... *blushes and is molested by Yuri* 

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: *molests everyone here*

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: I would buy a lots of packs if you were a supermarket product ^^ one can not have enough of you

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: ooh kinky ^^

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: *molests trennas extremely* there you go, pirate >=P

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: *loves every bit of it ^^ *

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: sicko =P

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: youre one to talk :p

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: it has been testified, that my head is entirely broken =P

2006-01-06 [Yuriona]: Two guys molesting each other. There ya go Runey, your own little yaoi show. :P

2006-01-06 [Lerune]: *dies* XD

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: oh we got company ^^ now the collective molesting can start ^^

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: *molests everyone collectively especially trennas though (with a spiked glove=P)*

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: raarrwwrrrrrr!! is that all you got??!!:p

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: you want it the hard way, eh ? be carefull what you wish for tiger. otherwise I will summon the ultimate anal terror spell =P*whips him with a nine tailed cat*

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: no the whip *ooh aah!* will do fine;)

2006-01-06 [Kyrinn]: O.O Oh my..

2006-01-06 [Trennas]: someone better be taping this:p

2006-01-06 [Kyrinn]: Cali probablyis, she has a camera everywhere...

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: *putĀ“s the nine tailed cat in boiling water and strikes* ^^ here you go. I always know it a bit harder =P

2006-01-06 [Lerune]: Yes, Cali and I will be watching this later with popcorn. ;o)

2006-01-06 [ArcticTofu]: oh runey ^^ you look like you want to try it,too ^^

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